Quiet Quitting

She’s heard the term “Quiet quitting,” and she kind of had an employee who quiet quit on her a few years ago. She knows the concept of quiet quitting is best described, in her opinion, as a person who has an assigned role and does the bare minimum to fill that role. The role may even require some above and beyond but the above and beyond is simply not done due to circumstances that hamstring the individual from doing more or general not caring any more. That role is usually sandwiched between other roles where there are other persons who are not fulfilling their potential and it’s discouraging for the person to go above and beyond when surrounded by persons who are not trying their hardest.

She thinks she quiet quit her marriage. She’s been thinking about it lately. She thinks the single most important and under-discussed factor of quiet quitting is having those other people in the same or similar role who don’t reach the potential of the role thereby discouraging the “quitter” and putting them in a position to step down. She thinks that may have happened in her marriage. That she watched her husband do so much less work, effort, and affection than she offered and finally she realized if that’s all he’s going to offer the role, that’s all she’s going to offer too.
